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Weekend Update for Nov. 28-Dec. 2, 2024

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    Weekend Update for Nov. 28-Dec. 2, 2024

    Please update us what you've done on your model railroad this week/weekend. This weekly thread is intended for us to post snippets about our layout/project progress, rather than be a substitute for our layout-build or project threads. Think of this topic as a mini update on what you've accomplished during the week/weekend. The administrators/moderators will start a new update thread each Friday.

    You can link from your layout-build thread or project to your posts in this thread as a part of a more extensive post there, or visa-versa (post to your build thread and link to that post when contributing to this thread).

    Click on a post's #number (right-hand end of the post header) to get the URL to that particular post in your browser's address bar. Then just copy and paste.

    So fellow RMRers, what have you been up to this week?
    Southern Railway Slate Fork Branch, March 1978

    Old magazines can still be fresh sources of hobby information!

    Work continues on the SCL U18B. It’s long broken in, so I speed-matched it to fleet standards this morning. I’m going to go back in and try to slip a piece of styrene between the Gyra Light and the emergency light, because I’m getting some leakage of light between the lenses. Only one should be lit at a time. This will require slitting the adhesive that I blobbed over the LEDs from the inside of the shell to stop light leaking into the cab or down on to the front truck.

    By the way, have you ever noticed how little and cute these U18Bs are? This is why they were referred to as Baby Boats. Here it is compared to an SD70M (the rear pilots are lined up):

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      Originally posted by davefoxx View Post
      By the way, have you ever noticed how little and cute these U18Bs are? This is why they were referred to as Baby Boats. Here it is compared to an SD70M (the rear pilots are lined up):
      I wish Southern had opted for them for coal branches.

      Southern Railway Slate Fork Branch, March 1978

      Old magazines can still be fresh sources of hobby information!


        Funny that my first weekend update is to say that I have started tearing down my layout for moving to my soon to be new home. My wife passed earlier this year, and I decided to downsize to a townhouse to eliminate lawn maintenance, etc. I found a pretty perfect railroad room (18 x 31.5 feet) with only a few obstructions. It has a nice living area attached as well, lol. I probably put too much emphasis on the railroad room, but it is exciting.

        The T shirt shows the basic theme, which I will retain - the IHB branch from Gibson to the Steel Mills and Kirk yard of the EJE.
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        I will post a few photos of the newest section of my current layout, and promise to be more active to document the reconstruction. Below is the steel mill section started in 2022, hoping to have it ready by the National Train Show in August 2023.

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        This is the newest section, started last year when I retired from my design biz and didn't need the loft anymore. It has some design flaws that I will correct in the new version, i.e., too much hard to reach track in the "nolix."The second pick shows the lower level staging.....also a pain.
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ID:	35398​​I haven't found a great pic of the old section of the layout but this shows how I busted through the wall to create some (too) hidden staging.

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        ​A semi - finished view of the new peninsula. Note my rotated skyborard, which required a smoke stack to go in that location.Click image for larger version

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ID:	35399​More as teardown starts this weekend.


        • Allen
          Allen commented
          Editing a comment
          Jeff, As I mentioned to you earlier, I'm sorry to hear about your wife. Never an easy thing to deal with.
          Thankfully you have your trains and good friends to help you over the hump.
          Wyatt mentioned something about a new location recently, glad it has what your looking for and also looking forward to the new build.
          Good luck with the move and reconstruction.

        • Paul S.
          Paul S. commented
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          So sorry about your loss, Jeff. I hope you keep lots of friends around you this season.

          Looking forward to seeing the new layout grow!

        • Russ C
          Russ C commented
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          So sorry for your loss mate. But I think you're making a good decision to downsize/relocate.
          I'm looking forward to seeing your new layout.

        Not a lot happening on the layout, but the workbench looks like a forest.
        After getting some of the trees planted that I had on hand and filling in the tree base with weeds and bushes, it was time to make more.

        Spent the long holiday weekend primping and plucking Super Trees, soaked them last night, painted them this morning and finally flocked them a just awhile ago. Also made more of the filter Briar Plants and Thickets.

        After supper, I plan to apply another round of static grass to the hills on the right side of the highway, behind the depot.
        If I can get all this accomplished, I'll turn my thoughts back to getting the crossing signals powered and working.
        The Little Rock Line Blog

        Rule #1 of model railroading.
        It's probably responsible for the greatest number of shoddy layouts because no one feels compelled to improve themselves. Meh, good enough...


          Projects progress on the Slate Fork:

          Southern Railway Slate Fork Branch, March 1978

          Old magazines can still be fresh sources of hobby information!


            A year or two ago I quickly 3D printed the 6th street bridge to get a feel for how it would fit. This Thanksgiving break I thought I would just paint it silver. One thing led to another and twelve hours later I have a little nicer bridge. I just wish I would have at least sanded the 3D prints before I decided to put all this work into it. Now to get rid of all of the pink in the corner.
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            • Cody
              Cody commented
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              Nice work. That's an interesting bridge... almost like somebody kit bashed a bridge in real life.

            • John Raid
              John Raid commented
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              Yeah, I like how spindly it is. I remember as a kid there was a train blocking Main and I told mom we could go over the bridge. She refused. The bridge was built in 1886 and replaced in 1992 (I think). I model 1994ish but decided to keep the bridge. It goes well with the turntable I modeled that was removed in 1984.

            Still not finding too many shots of the first layout part, started 2017, but this is an early one of the switching district. You might notice a similarity to the famous Kingsbury Branch:
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            This is the main yard, which has since been extended two more tracks by moving the grain elevator:

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            This also demonstrates my "tab on car" switching system. The colored red ones show where to put inbounds. You can see a white square on the white reefer and a tank car at the transfer tracks below. Those weren't sticking so I am putting smaller triangles for outbound. There are only two directions, so they will point one way or the other.


            • Greg
              Greg commented
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              Gee that is some good looking track work

            Originally posted by John Raid View Post
            Click image for larger version  Name:	Burlington IA 6th St bridge photos-066536pu.jpg Views:	19 Size:	166.9 KB ID:	35411
            Nice looking Bridge John!
            After reading through your post it reminded me of the bridge that we had here in Lincoln, NE.
            The Coddington ST bridge that ran over Hobson yard for decades.
            It was a very narrow bridge but I think two cars could pass, but it was close!
            A lot of it was planked so it rattled and creaked as you passed over it.

            Here's a couple of shots of it.

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            Click image for larger version

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            The Little Rock Line Blog

            Rule #1 of model railroading.
            It's probably responsible for the greatest number of shoddy layouts because no one feels compelled to improve themselves. Meh, good enough...


            • John Raid
              John Raid commented
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              What a great bridge! Thanks for sharing Allen.