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Shelf layout Built in 7 days

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    Shelf layout Built in 7 days

    I am sharing this not as a see what I did but rather see what can be done. A mutual friend of Michael Whiteman, Paul S. and myself now a handicap that is preventing him from building a layout. Michael working with Dave (our friend) came up with a layout design. Dave had a handyman build the shelf in the garage.
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    Michael and I arrived at Dave’s house and started in on building the layout. I was first task with building the stream bed and bridge. And Michael Started on prepping everything for roadbed, and getting the industrial area prep. From that getting the stream plastered and cork roadbed glued in. After the first day we had all of the roadbed down and the layouts main line installed.
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    Day two and three we finished getting all the track down and started wiring every thing up. Getting all the turnout frogs hot-wired with frog juicers, main bus line and the entire track drops hooked up. As this layout is in a garage gaps had to be cut to allow for expansion. Michael now focused on filing all track joints and frogs so that with had no issues with track derailments. Dave has only one functioning hand so much thought went into low maintenance and how to run the layout with one hand. At this point I was handed 3 models of building that I was ask to build ( Michael and me traveled over 900 mile to get to Dave’s house so all I had was what I brought to build every think). So armed with some rattle can’s and glue and a few tools and two day to get them build to work I went.

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    On day four I finished up the last of the building and did a little kit bash to get the cement plant and Gravel works to fit all in the area allowed. Michael started to work on the paining of the bench work and paining the backdrop. On this day I had to leave to get back home for work.
    Michael spent the next three day painting and getting building place where Dave wanted them. He had some wiring to get done with the DCC system that we had a power supply failure that was replaced.

    Not bad for 7 days of work here are some photos of the layout.
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    Attached Files
    Last edited by MikeD; 02-04-2024, 12:01 PM.

    Sounds like an interesting project. Looking forward to the photos & track plan.


      Like Mike stated above, we were all close friends back in Washington what seems like not so long ago. We all went to train shows together, operated on each other's layout and chased trains all over the state taking pictures. Life has since scattered all of us across the country. Our friend Dave's life instantly changed when he suffered a stroke a year or so ago. I try to put myself in that situation and I realize how hopeless everything might seem. All of us need to have some enjoyable activity to look forward to the next day, and playing with trains seems to be a pretty darn good one for us. Dave could not find anyone in Sallisaw OK. who would be interested in helping him with a model RR so I decided it would have to be me. I combined this trip to see my friends in Dallas and, as always when I lived there, attended the big annual train show in Plano.

      I am so thankful for Mike D. showing up to help me. I totally underestimated the construction time on this and without his help I would have been there many more days messing up the end of my trip entirely. Thank you Mike! I couldn't have done it without you. It has been quite a few years since the three of us have gotten together so this time was really special. Looking forward to seeing the pictures buddy.
      HO Scale


      • Scott1984
        Scott1984 commented
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        Hi Michael, I am really late to this post but thought I would comment anyway ( I am new on here so that's my excuse) That was very nice of you guys to do this for someone with some physical issues that prevented him from building a layout. Very generous of you both. You are right when you say, All of us need to have some enjoyable activity to look forward to the next day, and playing with trains seems to be a pretty darn good one for us. I have some personal experience in what your friend Dave is going thru. I have MS and it is hard to stuff sometimes with this hobby due to physical limitations. I am seeing that now as I work on my small layout and have to things like getting under the layout for wiring up lights and things. My left arm does not work very well anymore so it is hard to use it. I am sure you friend Dave really appreciated the help and you are correct. We do need a hobby to take our minds off of our situation, model railroading is a great way to do that. Fantastic job guys!!!! Thanks!

      • Allen
        Allen commented
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        ( MikeD This got posted in an email to RMR, so I copied it and pasted it in the right spot for you.)

        Thanks Scott I was a lot of fun to see old friend and get this project done.

        Mike D

      • Scott1984
        Scott1984 commented
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        No problem Mike!! Sorry I did not see this sooner.

      Click image for larger version  Name:	Track plan  - Copy.jpg Views:	0 Size:	30.3 KB ID:	19719
      This is Dave's 22 foot long track plan. At the far right is the bridge and creek that Mike D. constructed on a branch line that originates at some city even further down the line. A class one railroad is represented on the 60* crossing. In and outbounds are spotted on the interchange track. The far left end of the layout is filled with Cornerstone buildings to represent a cement plant which is the last customer on this branch.
      HO Scale


      • Paul S.
        Paul S. commented
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        It's got at the basics needed for operations: an interchange track, which can also double as staging; several spurs to switch with several car spots; and a purpose for the railroad.

      • Russ C
        Russ C commented
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        It'll be a good layout to operate. Dave is fortunate to have you guys to help.
        Trackplans don't have to be complex to be good & entertaining.
        You're doing great work!!

      Michael Whiteman and Russ C I think I got some photos attched.


        Kudos to you guys! You did a great job.

        Wish I could have been there. But we're saving money for the wedding. And I was directly involved with an emergency crossing bungalow replacement in Seattle leading into that weekend, so no way I could have flown down in time.
        Southern Railway Slate Fork Branch, March 1978:

        Old magazines can still be fresh sources of hobby information!


        • Michael Whiteman
          Michael Whiteman commented
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          That would have been really great if you could have made it Paul

        That is what the hobby is all about! Friends helping friends and having fun while doing it!
        I'm sure Dave is going to be thrilled!

        As Paul said, "Kudos to you guys!"
        And thanks for posting this!
        The Little Rock Line Blog

        Rule #1 of model railroading.
        It's probably responsible for the greatest number of shoddy layouts because no one feels compelled to improve themselves. Meh, good enough...


          What a great idea!


            Abso;utel the way we ought to be! Looks like smiles and fun all around, which is another reason this is the greatest hobby!


              Nice job!


