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N Scale CSX Hanover Subdivision 3.0
Planning next section, so broke out the cardboard sheet again. This area is from Center St West thru Broadway and Rt 94 to Rt 116 on Yorkrail trackage. Think I'll hide the CSX main behind bunch of rowhome style houses in the area of Sonoco Products. Benchwork here is drawn at only 12", so have a little but of room to work with also.
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The Little Rock Line Blog
Rule #1 of model railroading.
It's probably responsible for the greatest number of shoddy layouts because no one feels compelled to improve themselves. Meh, good enough...
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I acquired a drawing cabinet a few years ago to use as storage for my collection. It has been in at least 3 or 4 different locations in my basement trying to find its permanent home. I think I finally have it figured out. I cut a hole in my wall framing and it will straddle/support 2 sections of benchwork. The drawers will open up underneath Hagerstown yard, which will allow easy swapping of cars. It will also face Lincoln yard for same purpose if I take cars from that end of layout.
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Next section of benchwork up and mocked up. This area is between Broadway and Rt 94 in Hanover, PA. CSX main along the wall, then YorkRail access to ex PRR line, then lead to old wm freight house now used as MOW offices. CSX will drop plastic pellet cars on the lead off the main, and YRC runs them down to Sonoco Products. Schmuck lumber is not rail served
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Sheesh. A lot of lumber.Southern Railway Slate Fork Branch, March 1978:
Old magazines can still be fresh sources of hobby information!
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Nice paint!
When I saw your paint project the other day, it somehow rang a bell.
As fate would have it, I keep a data base of train photographs by image subject, magazine title, issue and page(s). Today, I was looking at my ‘bad track’ collection. In the April 2021 issue of Trains I found a two-page spread (pgs. 32-33) of two SD40s of the Rapid City, Pierre & Eastern and they sure look like your Buffalo & Pittsburgh SD50s. Any relation?
The track pics? Two two-page spreads – pages 26-27 & 40-41. And on page, an ad for a Western-Cullen-Hayes, Inc switch point guard.