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New Atlas ESU-equipped loco is silent!

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    New Atlas ESU-equipped loco is silent!

    Got a sound-equipped Atlas Gold SD-9 in the mail Friday. I put it on the rails a few minutes ago. Of course, after turning on F8 the master volume is on full blast, so I turned CV63 down to well under 100. Ah, that's better. It runs like a watch too!

    Well, still too loud, so I dial down CV63 to 50 or so. After running it back and forth for several more minutes (man, is it smooth), the sound cuts out and doesn't come back. F8 is still on. No sound, nothing. Loco still runs great.

    I'm thinking I could reset the decoder, but this shouldn't be happening with something new out of the box. Any ideas?
    Southern Railway Slate Fork Branch, March 1978

    Old magazines can still be fresh sources of hobby information!

    First suggestion would be to double check ALL the contact points, Paul...
    The Little Rock Line Blog

    Rule #1 of model railroading.
    It's probably responsible for the greatest number of shoddy layouts because no one feels compelled to improve themselves. Meh, good enough...


    • Paul S.
      Paul S. commented
      Editing a comment
      I will, but it's not a plug and play decoder, Allen. I'm strongly leaning to it being a dud.

      And fer gawsh sakes, would someone at Atlas please teach the Chinese that excess lubricant isn't good! When I can see it on the gears, it's too much, right?

    • Allen
      Allen commented
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      Right, it's not a plug N play, so check the plugs and where the wires attach...

    • Paul S.
      Paul S. commented
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      I'm just sending it back for a refund. Allen. Purchasing something like this shouldn't have to be a PITA right out of the box. I shouldn't have to repair something after 10 minutes running due to a poor design.

      This is the second Atlas ESU-equipped locomotive I've bought that's been a dud. I'll stick to non-sound locomotives with Digitrax decoders.

    I agree Paul. Send it back. Whenever crap like this happens I atribute it to....... too much tecknology in one tiny space. I know you have Loksound Programmer but Digitrax might be less of a frustration. I prefer Tsunami over my Loksound.
    HO Scale


      Originally posted by Michael Whiteman View Post
      I agree Paul. Send it back. Whenever crap like this happens I atribute it to....... too much tecknology in one tiny space. I know you have Loksound Programmer but Digitrax might be less of a frustration. I prefer Tsunami over my Loksound.
      It's packed up and getting sent back. I might try a third time, but only with an Atlas ESU decoder equipped SD-9 that I see and hear before I purchase it.
      Southern Railway Slate Fork Branch, March 1978

      Old magazines can still be fresh sources of hobby information!


        did you send the problem child back home yet?
        I agree with Allen,, check all contact points, I know a guy that could look at it for you,,😉

        " I came here to chew bubble gum and kick butt, and I am all out of bubble gum"


          Originally posted by Greg View Post
          did you send the problem child back home yet?
          I agree with Allen,, check all contact points, I know a guy that could look at it for you,,😉

          I did send it back for a refund, Greg.

          Regardless of the fault, I think I will try the stationary sound decoder feeding in to wireless headphones. I can't stand much of the tinny hiss from tiny speakers!
          Last edited by Paul S.; 11-26-2023, 03:48 PM.
          Southern Railway Slate Fork Branch, March 1978

          Old magazines can still be fresh sources of hobby information!

