Looking for thoughts/opinions.
Do you place electronic devices (such as auto reversers, power management, etc) closer to the each track location or do you centralize all of your devices on a single board?
Example, if I place a BXPAR1 next to the block being protected, I run less power wires and the feeders are shorter (possibly better for detection), but I need to run additional loconet cables.
I see pros and cons for each approach. Honestly I think its probably half a dozen one way six the other. Was just curious what you do any why?
Do you place electronic devices (such as auto reversers, power management, etc) closer to the each track location or do you centralize all of your devices on a single board?
Example, if I place a BXPAR1 next to the block being protected, I run less power wires and the feeders are shorter (possibly better for detection), but I need to run additional loconet cables.
I see pros and cons for each approach. Honestly I think its probably half a dozen one way six the other. Was just curious what you do any why?